
The Truth

Prescriptions are meaningless. Do not ask how, rather ask yourself why. Do not lie and do not do what you hate for everything is disclosed in view of the truth. For there is nothing hidden that will not beecome revealed and there is nothing covered that will remain undisclosed. JESUS What you desire is not […]



Life is nothing more than endless fragments. Piece by piece it is fulfilled. But, fulfillment is not completion. If so we would die at the moment of achievement… the finality. Alas, the moment passes immediately. Now is eternity. There is no future. There is only the next thing. A life lived beyond the ordinary is […]



To think creatively is to bring about harmony between mind, emotion, and action. That is, if you are convinced of an action, without the search of a reward at the end, then that action, being the result of intelligence, releases all hindrances that have been placed on the mind through the lack of understanding. –– […]


The Reality of “What Is”

There is no “ideal” to be sought and obtained. No future to be lived for. Hope postpones the actual. Hope delays life. Pursuit of the ideal is a vain struggle, a gratifying self-deception.


Lifestyle: Movement . Nutrition. Longevity . Performance


Endure: life, pt. 1

ENDURE This is uncomfortable. This is discomfort. Should I stop? Apply this to any and all scenarios, respond appropriately and continue onward.  How many times have I wanted to quit? Many. And quit I have. Ask: do I grow in the unknown, or cease in the familiar? One would think that a successful response would […]


A New Route

Our propensity for pleasure, peace, and comfort is always a recipe for division and limitation. The familiar route entices an active mind. As the body hums along the mind darts between thoughts and emotions; sometimes settling on one in particular for a prolonged period. As a runner, my focus is sometimes on distance or duration, […]

fitness life training

Life: Endeavor to Endure

Heartland 100, October 2012.

Tired. Cold. Wet. Belt buckle in hand. Life in a day!

fitness life nutrition

Nutrition: The Power of Intent (pt 3)

Traveling forces you to either figure it out, or succumb to your desires. You either maintain your philosophy or you become an experiment of consumption.


Nutrition: The Power of Intent (pt 2)

When you understand, it is always at once. When you don’t, it is always postponed. Day in and day out I pushed my body. I lifted, pressed, pushed, pulled, squatted, stepped, lunged, ran, pedaled, and stretched with a feverish desire to create the body I longed to inhabit. Yet, after these sessions what I placed […]